Empirical Application in Gunsilius (2023)

David Van Dijcke



This vignette demonstrates how to use the DiSCo package by way of the empirical application in Gunsilius (2023), which is based on Dube (2019). We illustrate the use of the two main functions: 1) DiSCo, which estimates the raw distributional counterfactuals, computes confidence intervals, and optionally performs a permutation test; and 2) DiSCoTEA, the “Treatment Effect Aggregator”, which takes in the distributional counterfactuals and computes aggregate treatment effects using a user-specified aggregation statistic.

Distributional Synthetic Controls

We briefly review the main idea behind Distributional Synthetic Controls. Denote \(Y_{jt,N}\) the outcome of group \(j\) in time period \(t\) in the absence of an intervention. Also denote \(Y_{jt,I}\) the outcome in the presence of an intervention at time \(t > T_0\). Denote the quantile function, \[ F^{-1}(q):=\inf _{y \in \mathbb{R}}\{F(y) \geq q\}, \quad q \in(0,1), \] where \(F(y)\) is the corresponding cumulative distribution function. One unit \(j=1\) has received treatment, while the other units \(j=2,\ldots,J\) have not. Then the goal is to estimate the counterfactual quantile function \(F_{Y_{1 t}, N}^{-1}\) of the treated unit had it not received treatment by an optimally weighted average of the control units’ quantile functions, \[ F_{Y_{1 t}, N}^{-1}(q)=\sum_{j=2}^{J+1} \lambda_j^* F_{Y_{j t}}^{-1}(q) \quad \text { for all } q \in(0,1) \]
In practice, we do this by solving the following optimization problem: \[ \vec{\lambda}_t^*=\underset{\vec{\lambda} \in \Delta^J}{\operatorname{argmin}} \int_0^1\left|\sum_{j=2}^{J+1} \lambda_j F_{Y_{j t}}^{-1}(q)-F_{Y_{1 t}}^{-1}(q)\right|^2 d q \] which gives optimal weights for each period. This problem can be solved by a simple weighted regression, which is implemented in the DiSCo_weights_reg function. To obtain the overall optimal weights \(\vec{\lambda}^*\), we take the average of the optimal weights across all periods.


The data from Dube (2019) is available in the package. We load it here:

#    time_col id_col     y_col
# 1:     1998      1 2.7912171
# 2:     1998      1 0.1659509
# 3:     1998      1 1.6747302
# 4:     1998      1 2.0880055
# 5:     1998      1 3.6397150
# 6:     1998      1 1.8608114

To learn more about the data, just type ?dube in the console. We have already renamed the outcome, id, and time variables to y_col, id_col, and time_col, respectively, which is required before passing the dataframe to the DiSCo command. We also need to set the two following parameters:

id_col.target <- 2
t0 <- 2003

which indicate the id of the treated unit and the time period of the intervention, respectively. We can now run the DiSCo command:

# if the below gives issues it's the knit cache...
disco <- DiSCo(dube, id_col.target, t0, M = 1000, G = 1000, num.cores = 5, permutation = FALSE,
                 CI = TRUE, boots = 1000, cl = 0.95, CI_placebo=TRUE, graph = FALSE, qmethod=NULL)
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 1998
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 1999
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2000
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2001
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2002
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2003
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2004

where we have chosen grids of 1000 grid points and opted for parallel computation with 5 cores to speed up the permutation test and confidence intervals, which we calculate using 500 resamples.

We can use the DiSCo Treatment Effect Aggregator (DiSCoTEA) function to aggregate the resulting counterfactual quantile functions into various treatment effect measures. For example, we can calculate the average treatment effect (ATE) as follows:

DiSCoTEA(disco,  agg="ATT", graph=TRUE, time=TRUE)

We can also look at the CDF of the treatment effects,

DiSCoTEA(disco,  agg="cdfTreat", graph=TRUE, time=TRUE, n_per_window=NULL)

Or the quantile function:

DiSCoTEA(disco,  agg="quantileTreat", graph=TRUE, time=TRUE, n_per_window=NULL)

To inspect what is happening at the higher quantiles, where we appear to see an increase in family income as a result of the minimum wage policy, we can separately plot the observed and counterfactual functions,

DiSCoTEA(disco,  agg="quantile", graph=TRUE, time=TRUE, n_per_window=NULL)

Permutation test

Similar to the canonical permutation test in Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010), we can carry out a distributional permutation test. The idea is entirely analogous: we iteratively reassign the treatment to units in the set of controls and estimate “placebo” quantile functions. Then we calculate the squared Wasserstein error of the entire distribution as, \[ d_{t t}^2:=\int_0^1\left|F_{Y_{u t, N}}^{-1}(q)-F_{Y_{u t}}^{-1}(q)\right|^2 d q \] for each time period. The permutation option in the DiSCo function allows one to plot the time evolution of these terms for all units by setting graph = TRUE, to visually inspect the abnormality of the “true” treatment effects. We also calculate the p-value of the test as, \[ p_t=\frac{r\left(d_{1 t}\right)}{J+1} \] where \(r(d_{1t})\) is the rank of the true treatment effect in the distribution of placebo effects.

results <- DiSCo(dube, id_col.target, t0, M = 1000, G = 1000, num.cores = 5, permutation = TRUE, CI = FALSE, boots = 1000, cl = 0.95, CI_placebo=TRUE, graph = TRUE, qmethod=NULL) 
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 1998
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 1999
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2000
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2001
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2002
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2003
# Computing confidence intervals for period: 2004
# Starting permutation test...Permutation finished!

Abadie, Alberto, Alexis Diamond, and Jens Hainmueller. 2010. “Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California’s Tobacco Control Program.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 105 (490): 493–505.
Dube, Arindrajit. 2019. “Minimum Wages and the Distribution of Family Incomes.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11 (4): 268–304.
Gunsilius, Florian F. 2023. “Distributional Synthetic Controls.” Econometrica 91 (3): 1105–17.